Configuring Purchase Order Status

 Standard Operating Procedures

<Configuring Purchase Order Status>


The current AiM Configuration of PO’s is meant to support AiM as the System of Information (SOI) for Purchase Orders generated and maintained in KFS, the System of Record (SOR).   Original PO’s only are imported from KFS via an integration and all use the status ORIGINAL which has the Status Flag of Finalized.


  1. Select Purchasing from AiM WorkDesk
  2. Select Purchase Order Status under Setup.
  3. Select New
  1. Enter Status Name
  2. Enter Status Description
  3. Enter Status Type (from list)
  4. Active = Yes
  5. Enter Sequence Num
  1. Select Load on Roles
  2. Check Roles to add to allow updating Status
  3. Press Done
  4. Press Save




The screen here shows the final configuration for the ORIGINAL status for a Regular Order

Roles used:


  1. System Administration – This role will update the status with information provided by finance