SOP – Configure – Work Management – Priority

Standard Operating Procedures

Configure Phase Priority




The Priority Setup Screen now enables users to assign color schemes to priorities and pass that to FiRE O&M to display priorities in pre-established colors.

The priority may be automatically populated on the phase based on the priority associated with the problem code assigned to the customer request and/or work order. Additionally, these dates can be updated automatically if the phase dependencies feature is deployed.


Priority # Description Color
1 Emergency Red
2 Urgent Orange
3 Moderate Blue
4 Routine Green
5 Scheuduled Gray



1. Navigate to the Work Management module on the main menu.
2. Navigate to the Work Management screen and click the link to Priority.
3. Click New to configure Priority.
4. Enter Priority number and description. Set color and active to Yes.
5. Click Save to save Priorities.




System Administrator:

System Administrator is responsible for configuring and updating Phase Priorities in AiM.


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