SOPs – Work Management – Customer Request – Billed Fixed Price

Standard Operating Procedures

Approving a Customer Request – Billed Fixed Price






1. For work that is to be billed fixed price, set the funding method to Work Order. select funding method
2. Set the Type to RECAPITALIZATION and the Category to FIXED RATE IMP and then specify the appropriate Work Code.
3. Navigate to the Account Setup form by clicking that option in the View menu.  
4. On the Account Setup screen click the Add button in the Charge Section.  
5. Select the Percentage Split radio button and then click the Next button.
6. In the Account text box enter the KFS Account number for the Department requesting the work.


In the Object Code text box enter 6648.


In the Percentage text box enter 100%.


In the Subledger drop down select ALL, then click the Done button.


7. Back on the Account Setup Screen click the Add button in the Offset Section.


8. In the Account text box enter the KFS Account number for Shop’s operating account performing the work.


In the Object Code text box enter 6940.

In the Subledger drop down select ALL, then click the Done button.

9. Upon return to the Account Setup screen, confirm the accounts and object codes are correct and click the Done button.
10. Update the Status field by clicking on the magnifying glass icon and click on “APPROVED” in the status column or type the word “APPROVED“.
11. Click the Save button on the Customer Request Approval screen.
12. The system will generate a work order and the work order number will now be visible in the work order field.  Click the Work Order Number to access the Work Order Screen.
13. On the Work Order screen click the Phase link.
14. On the Phase Screen click the Edit button.
15. On the View Menu click the Cost Analysis link.
16. Put the entire fixed price amount in the Estimated Labor text field.
17. Click the Done button.
18. Click the Save button.




  1. Operations Admin: [TODO:FOBS define refine rules here]


2. Operations Center Management: [TODO:FOBS define refine rules here]


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